Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 16: Cardio Recovery and Plyometric Cardio Circuit


Just finished my second workout of the day: Plyometric Cardio Circuit. This afternoon I started with Cardio Recovery, INSANITY's "easy day" which left me with my legs shaking from the deep muscle work done during the recovery workout. Then I had a recovery drink, delicious smoothie made from milk, yogurt, peanut butter, protein powder, frozen strawberries and ground flax seed.
Then after an hour long break, I started the Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

My legs were KILLING me at the beginning of the workout. Not painfully, but I just felt them being very tired. Then I remembered that yesterday I did 3 INSANITY workouts. I pushed through to the end of the warm-up and reached a sort of "runner's euphoria" or rather INSANITY EUPHORIA and had the best Plyometric Cardio Circuit yet! I was able to execute more of the workout without taking the breaks I used to before and really really surprised myself! It was awesome!!!

I just ate my post-workout meal, chicken with a lemon, wine and caper sauce over toasted pine nut cous-cous with a protein shake on the side for my overworked muscles! YUM! I feel great and can't wait for tomorrow and to keep pushing! Now it's time for a shower some stretching!

See ya!