Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 18: First Workout: Cardio Power and Resistance

Hey everyone!

Just finished my first INSANITY workout for the day: Cardio Power and Resistance!! What a workout!!! I think the more I do INSANITY, the more I sweat! I thought it would be the other way around and that my body would get used to it! NOPE....I sweat more and more everyday and it feels so GOOD!!!!

I'm now taking a break to go run some errands and such but then I will be back tonight to do today's regular workout: Cardio Recovery. It's gonna be a good one!!

That's all for now!

Day 17: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

Hey Everyone!

Today I did the regular scheduled day since there were already two workouts in it which were Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I was tired when I first started because of the double INSANITY workouts I've been doing all week and that it was around 8:15pm; I'm used to doing my workouts earlier in the day. However, once pushing through the warm up and really stretching out my muscles, I had a great Pure Cardio workout!!! Then was time for Cardio Abs, and it was perfect timing considering I got my Beachbody Yoga Mat in the mail today! I also received my P90X Pull Up Bar and my Body Fat tester. Back to Cardio Abs; today was only my second time doing Cardio Abs and it felt awesome. I never thought that my abs could burn that much, and without doing a single sit up!!! It was great!

Tomorrow will be my last day of doubling up workouts and I will be all caught up on all my INSANITY workouts by Day 19!

It's time to Dig DEEPER!!!!