Monday, August 16, 2010


So today was an off day from INSANITY but I still managed to get out there and go on a short hike up Runyon Canyon. Runyon Canyon is an awesome short hike because it doesn't take too long, but the elevation change is big! Today was the first time that instead of walking the hike, I tried to run it all. I went up the steep side and ran down the not so steep side. It was awesome.

After finishing I decided to take the rest of the day off and do my fit test tomorrow with my first day of MAX INTERVAL TRAINING. No reason to mess around with the scheduled workouts. They are there for a reason.

That's all for today! Tomorrow we'll have a new Weigh In and I'll be starting Phase 2!


Alright! The end of my recovery week is here!

Today I spent a lot of the day getting an arm workout by stripping paint off of some chairs I got and sanding them as well. After about 6 hours of working on the chairs, I ate some food, and then it was time for my workout: CORE CARDIO AND BALANCE.

Today was the last day of working out for my recovery week. I had a really good workout today. I pushed hard and worked up an awesome sweat. When I was finished, I had my recovery drink, a delicious smoothie, and rested for a little while. Then, as I was watching TV, I decided to do some of the C-sit position exercises from the CARDIO ABS workout. Once I was finished, I decided to do some deltoid pushups or triangle pushups. After a set of 25 or so I got up and did about 60 seconds of wall sits. Then I did some Feifer Scissors from AB RIPPER X. Then I got up and did some Steam Engines. I continued doing core exercises for about 15 more minutes. Once I was finished, I felt great, stretched then took a nice hot shower before bed.

I decided to not take a day off tomorrow and I'm going to do the fit test. That way, I won't be pounding my body on Day 1 of Phase 2: MAX INTERVAL TRAINING by doing the Fit Test and the MAX INTERVAL CIRCUIT workout. I also might go on the hardcore hike, run and rock climbing adventure I did twice last week on Tuesday.

SO that means Fit Test 3 will be tomorrow and Tuesday we'll start with MAX INTERVAL TRAINING! Here we go people! Time to Dig Deeper!